Marita Bullmann is a performance, installation and photography artist. Lives and works in Essen, Germany.
performance art, photography, installation, Marita Bullmann, Interval, PAErsche, Essen, Germany
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Artist statement

Within my work I examine situations that are present in our everyday life but not perceived consciously.
Small, delicate moments illustrate how I detect the world around me.
Materials are decontextualised from their original use and provided with new different characteristics.

I explore moments in which the intrinsic context is transferred which communicates a gaze, an opinion as well as values, tempers and peculiarities.
My intention is to affect normal visual and perceptual mechanisms far away from their cultural coinages and to create a new ‘space’ that reminds us of how different we perceive things. I’m searching for images and actions which manifest the beauty of now and its simplicity.


Marita Bullmann is a performance, installation and photography artist.
Lives and works in Essen, Germany.

1982 Born in Munich
2003 – 2004 Assistent at Jörg Steffens Photography Studio, Munich
2003 – 2004 Photography course with Michael Jochum, Munich
2004 – 2011 Photography studies at the Folkwang University of Arts with Gisela Bullacher and Elisabeth Neudörfl, Essen, Germany
2008 – 2009 Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem, Israel
2011 Diploma with distinction at the Folkwang University of the Arts, Essen, Germany
2012 – 2020 Teacher at the VHS Essen ‘Fotografischer Studienkreis’, Germany
since 2011 Co-founder of Aktionslabor PAErsche (with Boris Nieslony a.o.), Cologne, Germany
since 2013 Organiser and art director of Performance Art festival Interval in Essen with Artist from Europe and China
since 2022 Co-founder of Zeit.Raum.Ruhr (together with Denis Bury) – a platform for art spaces, associations and initiatives in the Ruhr region
since 2023 curator and organiser of Laundry Clash (together with Florian Walter) – a performance art & music event in laundromats in the Ruhr region

Grants and awards

Bridges Photo project Emscher Future Award
2008 – 2009
Scholarship for study at Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design Jerusalem, Israel
Project funding within European Accents in Perm, Russia;
Transdisciplinary exchange AGORA feldstärke: Essen, Paris, Istanbul
Young Advancement Award, Kunststiftung NRW, Germany
Residency at La Fábrique de Théatre, Mons, Belgium
Travelgrant Goethe Institute, Bucharest, Romania
Residency at Salzamt Linz, Austria
Residency with and by Zierle & Carter, St Just, Cornwall, UK
Residency at 10/12, Brussels, Belgium
Travelgrant Goethe Institute, Ukraine
Residency FLUCTU at l‘Escaut, Brussels, Belgium
Project Funding for USA by Ministry for Family, Children, Youth, Culture and Sport of the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia
Residency at Galeria Raczej, Poznan, Poland
Travel Grant for South America by Ministry for Family, Children, Youth, Culture and Sport of the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia
Grant for „Individual Artistic Development“ of the  Ministry for Culture and Science of the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia with IKF and ECCE
Residency at Assembly #1, Provence, France
Residency at Moinho Edições Limitadas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Travel Grant for Brasil by the  Ministry for Culture and Science of the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia 
Residency at PF – espaço de performance art , Curitiba, Brasil
Corona Sonderfonds Kultur by Cultural Office of the City of Essen, Germany
Corona NRW-Soforthilfe 2020 by the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Stipendary for Performance Works by Corona Sonderfonds Kultur by Cultural Office of the City of Essen, Germany
Corona NRW-Soforthilfe 2021 by the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Stipendary for Performance Works by Corona Sonderfonds Kultur by Cultural Office of the City of Essen, Germany
Corona NRW-Soforthilfe 2021 by the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Travel grant for Brasil by the Ministry for Culture and Science of the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia
Allbau Culture Prize for artistic & culture engagement in the City of Essen 2021
Travel Support by Goethe Institut Riga, Latvia
Travel grant for Brasil by the Ministry for Culture and Science of the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia

Selected exhibitions and performance art events

Blackbox Gallery at University for the Creative Arts, Farnham, UK
Basstherapie II, Lokal Harmonie, Duisburg, Germany

JOE Festival Kickoff, Essen, Germany
Shut Down – Der Knacks, Duisburg, Germany
Projectspacefestival Berlin 2023, super bien!, Berlin, Germany
NO W HERE Festival, Goslar, Germany
STARPTELPA 2023, Riga, Latvia
One Brief History of Drag, St John’s, Canada
Lobster of Love with Florian Walter, GeOrgel, Gelsenkirchen, Germany
INTERVAL °13, Essen, Germany
4 + 4 Days in Motion // SPA : Root & Connect, Prague, Czech Republic
ACCIONLAB, La MUTANT Sala de artes VIVAS, Valencia, Spain
Casa Daninha, Recife, Brasil
MAC Parana, Guaratuba, Brasil
NMO Art Sapce, Niteroi, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
TropigalPao, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Windowperformances 1&2, Essen, Germany
Gadu Gadu Reloaded, online Project, Poland Germany
Publication “Distractingly present”
Spacio Arka, Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy
GNMR, Essen, Germany
Home #5, Kunsthaus Essen, Germany
The Non-fungible Body/Performancefestival Linz, Austria
Between Bodies and Place, Ruhrgebiet, Germany
A-Conversation, Perpignan, France
10 Jahre Kunstverein Gegenwart, Neue Sortierung, Leipzig, Germany
Art D’Acció, Valencia, Spain
Viva Art Street!, Gwangju, Korea
West.Fenster, Bochum, Germany
Ativa Atelier Livre, Salvador, Brasil
TropiGalpão, Rio De Janeiro, Brasil
Galeria de Arte e Pesquisa (GAP) at UFES, Vitoria, Brasil
PF, Curitiba, Brasil

Kunstverein für Mecklenburg und Vorpommern Schwerin, Germany
Schuhfabrik, Ahlen, Germany
Dialogue Festival, Theater Bremen, Germany
Gadu Gadu, online Project, Poland Germany
Off_tracks, Kulturverein Tempel, Karlsruhe, Germany
Zur schönen Freiheit, Kurort A40, Essen, Germany
CONCRETE GREEN, Kopstadtplatz, Essen, Germany
Ciclo de ações performáticas, Brasil
BoBiennale, Bochum-Wattenscheid, Germany
Crossings, Dnipro, Ukraine
Selfreflection: Corona Feeling,Gallery Koppelmann, Cologne, Germany
20 years Bbeyond, Belfast, Northern Ireland
Publication “stille Vakuum”

(-) FE MALE Home Performance Art Festival, worldwide web
Emergency Index Vol. 9, Worldwide
City of Gold, Essen, Germany
Reichweite, Essen, Germany
Die Maßnahmen, Lokal Harmonie, Duisburg, Germany
FEM 20 – Performance DUET, online

Cancelled: Global Making Art Network, South Korea
Cancelled: ArTrend Performance Art Festival, Taiwan
Cancelled: Morni Hills Performance Art Biennale, India

Open Sunday, Gedenk-Bibliothek, Berlin, Germany
Publishing 2nd Edition of  book ‘Saudade’
PAErsche Fons Artem/Frühe Ernte, Cologne, Germany
Emergency Index Vol. 8, Worldwide
Ulmenwall Bunker, Bielefeld, Germany
Performance Crossings 2019, Prague, Czech Republic
Impuls Bauhaus, Halle 6, Welterbe Zollverein, Essen, Germany
BoBiennale, Rottstr.5Kunsthallen, Bochum, Germany
Interval °10, Essen & Oberhausen, Germany
Pre Per Post Formance, Cologne, Germany
Performance im Hochhaus 2, Berlin, Germany
ReFrame Burg, Ulm, Germany
Fado Performance Art Center, Toronto, Canada
Viva! Art Action, Montreal, Canada
Garsoteatras, Panevėžys, Lithuania
Accion!MAD19, Naves Matadero, Madrid, Spain
SoundtripsNRW, Alte Mitte, Essen, Germany
PAO – Performance Art Festival, ROM, Oslo, Norway
AT AL 06, Campinas, Brasil
p.ARTE #44, Curitiba, Brasil
Casa Expandido, Curitiba, Brasil

PAErsche @ Kunstverein Grafschaft Bentheim, Neuenhaus, Germany
PAErsche “Frühe Ernte”, Werfraum5, Cologne, Germany
Emergency Index Vol. 7, Worldwide
Projektraum Rochade, Karlsruhe, Germany
Art-space “Erlkönig”, Bremen, Germany
PAGE: London Open Session #9 (#7), London, UK
Büro für akustische Innenraumpflege Zimmer 5, Essen, Germany
Kulturpfadfest 2018, Essen, Germany
Marking Time : 10 Year Monthly Meetings, Belfast, Northern Ireland
Galerie Mesta, Pardubice, Czech Rebublic
Trinkhallen Tour Ruhr, Kiosk Alibaba, Gelsenkirchen, Germany
BlurBorders Art Exchange, Thailand
Assembly #1, Provence, France
Asian Art Biennale -Performance Art, Dhaka, Bangladesh
MIPAF 2018, Macau
19th Open Festival, Guangzhou, China
4th SIPAF 2018, Manila & Angeles City, Philippines
Interval °Asia, Essen, Germany
Northumbria University Guest Lecture, Newcastle, UK
Moinho Edições Limitadas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Duration & Dailogue II, Katzman Contemporary art gallery, Toronto, Canada
Moments to gather, Gallery KUB, Leipzig, Germany
Gartenperformance with Anja Ibsch, Berlin, Germany
another small matter, Defibrillator Gallery, Chicago, USA
Symposium: Being in Public | Encounters | Outside Place/Inner Space, Belfast, UK
Austellwerk Hugelfing, Germany
Kunst Im Wohnraum 2017, Essen, Germany
Perfocilinne 777, Barlok, Brussels, Belgium
Perfonauci 2017, Poznan, Polen
Precise: fine setting, Ahrweiler, Germany
Atelier : Performance #5 with Anja Ibsch, Hannover, Germany
PAErsche LAB ’17, Cologne, Germany
Momentum, Performancetage, Hamburg, Germany
Im Hinblick auf das Ausmaß, Galerie Irma Gublia, Essen, Germany
Interval eXtended – B, Networkmeeting, Ruhrregion, Germany
Sharing 576h, Gallery Koppelmann, Cologne, Germany
September Equinox / Day of public action for freedom and democracy, Cologne, Germany
Urban densification by demolition, Essen, Germany
PAB Open 2017, Bergen, Norway
I Owe You Some Pie, Karlsruhe, Germany
Actus V, Brussels, Belgium
Emergency Index Vol. 6, Worldwide
Connection > Europa II, Chile
Open field / XXXVI, Buenos Aires, Argentinia
p.Arte & Farol, Curitiba, Brasil

Matjö – Raum für Kunst, Cologne, Germany
PAErsche zeigt wie, Orangerie Theater, Cologne, Germany
17qm project, Cologne, Germany
PAErsche Open Source Group Performance, Cologne, Germany
Flare_2, Newcastle, UK
Cumulator Performance Action, Newcastle, Lviv, Brussels, Londonderry, UK, Belgium,Ukraine, N-Ireland
Tatt av Heimdal: Performancefestival, Norway
Crossover-project, Kiel, Germany
BreakThrough #13, smallest Performance-space, Munich, Germany
Bbeyond Monthly Tour 2016, Münster-Essen-Cologne, Germany
Two way mirror exhibition, Objectives Galery, Singapore
PerformPerform, Bad Bonn, Switzerland
Days of performance art, L’viv, Ukraine
Asche zu Farbgut, Augsburg, Germany
Same difference : Equinox to Equinox, global Performance Art Day, Koblenz, Germany
PAErsche verlaufen, Düsseldorf, Germany
Emergency Index Vol. 5, Worldwide
Grüntaler9, Berlin, Germany
Asiatopia, Bangkok, Thailand
Off2, Kunsthaus Essen, Germany
Fluctu, Brussels, Belgium
ZAZ, Tel Aviv, Israel

Bbeyond Monthly Meeting, Belfast, Northern Ireland
XVII International Art Festival Interakcje, Poland
Emergency Index Vol. 5, Worldwide
Exhibition and Performance at bb15, Linz, Austria
Publication “Mornings are strange objects to me
PAB Open, Bergen, Norway
Seminar “Building Audiences”, Kunsthall Bergen, Norway
New! Performance Salon!, Newcastle, UK
Arken Museum, Copenhagen, Denmark
Actus IV, Liège, Belgium
Exhibition and Performance at 10/12 gallery, Brussels, Belgium
Künstlerhaus Dortmund, Germany

Bel-Esse Performance Exchange, Lisburn, Derry/Londonderry, Northern Ireland
Performance Platform Lublin, Poland
Eight Days a week 2014, Auferstehungskirche, Cologne, Germany
Actus III, Académie des Beaux Arts de Saint Gilles, Brussels, Belgium
IPA-Platform Festival, Bucharest
Contexts 2014, The 4th International Sokolovsko Festival of Ephemeral Art, Poland
PAEkort#11, Wolfart Projectspaces, Rotterdam, Netherland
Emergency Index Vol. 4, Worldwide
Actus II, La Frameries, Belgium
Folkwang Verteilerebene, Essen, Germany

Video Folkwang – ‘Living Stills’, Museum Folkwang, Essen, Germany
Emergency Index Vol. 3, Worldwide
Bonner Kunstverein, Germany
Publication “Lucky Couple
14. festival Vstop prost / Admission free, Celje, Slovenian Republic
“Art of encountering V” with philippine artists, Cologne, Essen & Bonn, Germany
Kunstmuseum Bochum, Germany
Performancelaboratorium 07, Linz, Austria
PANik 10, Vienna, Austria
Brise °1, Flensburg, Germany
Performance s p a c e, London. United Kingdom
10/12, Brussels, Belgium
The lying on the floor, abandoned to lie, Linz, Austria

Künstlerforum, Bonn, Germany
Alongside, Belfast, Northern Ireland
13th Open Performance Art Festival, Beijing, China
BeijingLiveArt 2012, Beijing, China
Totale II, Maschinenhaus, Essen, Germany
Austria Colonia, Ebertplatz & Bruch und Dallas, Cologne, Germany
MPA_Open, Berlin, Germany
Orangerie, Cologne, Germany

Kunst im Kulturflur, Hildesheim, Germany
Opekta, Cologne, Germany
‚CIVIC‘ The first international festival of billboard art, Sunderland, UK
Frau Freitag, Karlsruhe, Germany
Landscaping – Europäischer Monat der Fotografie, Clervaux, Luxemburg
Mit einem Fuß in der Badewanne, diploma-installation, Essen, Germany
S-Pur, artclub, Cologne, Germany
Raum 02, Mühldorf, Germany

Synoptic Vizionaudial Art Meeting, Hungary
Augenblicke – photography project in public, Essen, Germany
European Accents in PermFestival in Perm, Russia; Pécs, Hungary; Duisburg, Germany
Platform Young Performance Artists 2010, Berlin, Germany
Feldstärke International – interdisciplinary plattform in Essen, Paris, Istanbul
Aesthetics and Bias, Barbur Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel

Pow! Pow! Action International Art Festival, San Francisco, United States
Fisimatenten – Performen im Affekt, AkademieGalerie, Munich, Germany

Hier und Jetzt, photography exhibition, Liebfrauen church, Duisburg, Germany
Floating colours, photography project Emscher Zukunft, Dortmund, Germany
feldstärke, interdisciplinary platform, Essen, Germany
Lebensraum Emscher – Projectexhibition, Duisburg-Beeck, Germany

Internationalen Videofestivals, Bochum, Germany
Project Hartmut, Atelier at pact Zollverein, Essen, Germany


Directed workshops at:
PerformPerform Festival, Bad Bonn, Switzerland
Kunstverein Gegenwart, Leipzig, Germany
SAIC, Chiacago, USA
Kulturfabrik Tempel, Karlsruhe, Germany
PF, Curitiba, Brasil

Attended workshops with:
Black Market International: Jürgen Fritz and Boris Nieslony
Marylin Arsem
Adina Bar-On
He Chengyao
Andrés Galeano
Nezaket Ekici
Monica Klingler
Lynn Lu
Jamie McMurry
Kira O´Reilly
Phillipe Quesne
Tino Sehgal
Josef Sprinzak
Jim Trainor

Curatorial projects

Since 2011 co-founder and organiser of PAErsche Aktionslabor now PAE Aktionslabor.
Since 2013 organiser and art director of Performance Platform Interval in Essen, Germany.
2019 organiser and art director of PAErsche meets… in Bochum, Germany
Since 2022 co-founder and organiser of Zeit.Raum.Ruhr
Since 2023 organiser and art director of Laundry Clash (togther with Florian Walter)