Interval °3
Invited artists: Pavana Reid, Francisca Siegrist, Kurt Johannessen, Rita Marhaug, Terese Longva, Gøril Wallin and Sigmund Skard. Temporary exhibition space ERDgeschoss.
international, performance art, Essen, Germany, PAErsche
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INTERVAL º3 | ESSEN, GERMANY | 13 - 14 JUNE 2014

Invited artists: Pavana Reid, Francisca Siegrist, Kurt Johannessen, Rita Marhaug, Terese Longva, Gøril Wallin and Sigmund Skard.
Temporary exhibition space ERDgeschoss.

See full documentation on PAErsche website.


Participated artists: Pavana Reid, Francisca Siegrist, Kurt Johannessen, Rita Marhaug, Terese Longva, Gøril Wallin and Sigmund Skard, Boris Nieslony, Rolf Hinterecker, Lala Nomada, Béatrice Didier, Karin Meiner.
13th Kulturpfadfest in Essen

See full documentation on PAErsche website.


Interval is founded and organised by Marita Bullmann on behalf of PAErsche – action laboratory.

Folder_Interval_3_frontInterval is a 2-day festival platform for international performance artists in Essen, Germany.
Guest artists get the chance to work with PAErsche performers outdoor near the city of Essen and present solo performances in indoor exhibition space.

“With the performance festival Interval °3, the action laboratory PAErsche exchanged poetically on the 13th & 14th of June in Essen with Members and Associate of performance art Bergen (PAB) network from Norway.

The event began with the participation of the 13th Kulturpfadfest in which PAB with PAErsche explored performatively the small park next to the Glückaufhaus.
On the second day the invited guests showed their solo performances in temporary exhibition space ERDgeschoss. The visitors were offered an insight into the various trends of performance art from Norway.”

Photos by Thomas Reul

Supported by Kulturbüro Essen, Royal Norwegian Embassy in Berlin and Wein Zeche, Essen.

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