Crossing | 1. – 10.10.2021 | Dnipro, Ukraine
with ATOM (Alisa Oleva & Timothy Maxymenko), Selina Bonelli, Antonín Brinda, Marita Bullmann, Fergus Byrne, Claud, Olia Fedorova, Marina (Sequin Lalaguna) Gaba, Irina Kharlamova, Tetiana Kornieieva, Kate Mamchur, Christiane (Akal Kiret) Obermayr, Carlotta Oppermann, Thomas Reul, Aleks Slota, Leo Trotsenko
The project Crossing is a framework for encounters, to create the confidence to engage in a collaborative process without giving up one’s own sovereignty. An openness to a diversity that allows an unselfish collaboration, in which everyone acts self-responsibly in their own way with their own qualities. In this way, we strive to engage the local community in dialogue. What could be imagined through performative and collaborative bodies? Through a 10-day residency, we will create a space for collaboration, research, and exchange. The resulting experiences will be presented in two group performances.
Crossing. Груповий перформанс на Південному вокзалі
Crossing. Груповий перформанс в DCCC
Crossing is carried out in cooperation of: Галерея Артсвіт, PAErsche Aktionslabor e.V., Український культурний фонд and Meet up: Deutsch-Ukrainische Jugendbegegnungen Німецько-Українські зустрічі. The German-Ukrainian project is supported by the joint funding programme “Culture for Change” of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation and the programme “MEET UP! German-Ukrainian Youth Encounters” of the Foundation “Remembrance, Responsibility and Future” (EVZ)