Interval °9
Selected artworks and projects by Marita Bullmann
performance art, photography, installation, Marita Bullmann, Interval, PAErsche, Essen, Germany
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INTERVAL º9 | ESSEN, GERMANY | 16 - 17 June 2017

Invited artists: Hori Izhaki, Jade Montserrat, Manuel López, Mario Montoya, Sikarnt Skoolisariyaporn.
Temporary exhibition space ERDgeschoss.

See full documentation on PAErsche website.


Participated artists: Hori Izhaki, Jade Montserrat, Manuel López, Mario Montoya, Sikarnt Skoolisariyaporn, Marita Bullmann, Lisa Bauer-Zhao, Anne Hoffmann, Shabu Mwangi, Rolf Hinterecker, Boris Nieslony, Sara Hasenbrink, Irmgard Himstedt, Michael Barrett.
Hirschlandplatz, Essen.

See full documentation on PAErsche website.


Interval is founded and organised by Marita Bullmann on behalf of PAErsche – action laboratory.

fronttInterval is a 2-day festival platform for international performance artists in Essen, Germany.
Guest artists get the chance to work with PAErsche performers outdoor near the city of Essen and present solo performances in indoor exhibition space.

“With the performance festival Interval °9 on the 16th & 17th June 2017 in Essen Germany the action laboratory PAErsche entered a creative exchange with performance artists from around europe for two days.

The event began with an Open Source Performance in which PAErsche and the invited artists explored performatively the Hirschlandplatz in the center of Essen.
On the second day the invited guests showed their solo performances in temporary exhibition space ERDgeschoss. The visitors were offered an insight into the various trends of performance art from Europe.”

Photos by Thomas Reul

Supported by the Ministerium für Familie, Kinder, Jugend, Kultur und Sport NRW (MFKJKS), Kulturbüro Essen, Hotel Luise and Weinzeche Essen.

Kulturburo Esen logo Wein Zeche logo E.P.I. Zentrum logo  luise  NRW_MFKJKS_RGB