Moinho Edições Limitadas | 7.12 – 7.01.2019 | Rio Grande do Sul – Brazil
In 2014 we started a process of transformation of our bodies and urban habits through an experience of inhabiting a house and an old ruined mill, built by German immigrants in the 19th century in Rio Grande do Sul, located in the rural area of the south of Brazil. As a place of work and research, Moinho Edições Limitadas (Moinho Limited Editions) is an initiative that intends to trigger and share, in small print runs, a graphic, photographic and processual production, including residual from audiovisual practice, involving a collection of phenomenological, performative and mnemonics documentation of the confict between the specifcities of the ruin, a human construction, and forces of nature. Moinho’s publications are selfproduced
and shown in national and international printed and graphic art books independent fairs as Feira Miolo(s) – São Paulo; Flamboiã – Florianópolis; Parada Gráfca – Porto Alegre; FeiraSub – Campinas and Paraguay – Buenos Aires.
The idea is to explore the potential of image construction as a result of the experience between the performative body and place, based on documentation of the creative process in relation to the production of an artist book.
Camila Leichter and Mauro Bomfm
Moinho Edições Limitadas
Funded by the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia in the framework of Individual Support for Artists (IFK), a project of ecce GmbH.
Photo by Camila Leichter