Networkmeeting with theoretical and practical exchange with Bbeyond, PAB, Accion!MAD and PAErsche in August 2017 in the Ruhr-Region.
Open Source Performance at the Innenhafen, Duisburg, Germany
Networkmeeting with theoretical and practical exchange with Bbeyond, PAB, Accion!MAD and PAErsche in August 2017 in the Ruhr-Region.
Open Source Performance at the Innenhafen, Duisburg, Germany
Holding Time (an action by Alastair MacLennan and Marilyn Arsem), Viehoferstrasse, Essen, Germany
Open Source Performance at Halde Rungenberg, Gelsenkirchen, Germany
See full documentation on PAErsche website.
Participated artists:
PAErsche: Marita Bullmann, Evamaria Schaller, Thomas Reul, Boris Nieslony, Sara Hasenbrink, Christiane Obermayr, Béatrice Didier, Carola Willbrand, Mark Met, Karin Meiner.
Accion!Mad -Spain: Nieves Correra & Abel Lureda.
Bbeyond – Nord-Ireland: Siobhan Mullen & Brian Patterson.
PAB – Norway: Pavana Reid, Jan-Egil Finne & Anette Friedrich Johannessen
Interval is founded and organised by Marita Bullmann on behalf of PAErsche – action laboratory.
For Interval eXtended-B, representatives of network-knots like Accion!MAD from Madrid, Bbeyond from Belfast and PAB from Bergen were coming together with PAErsche Aktionslabor in August 2017. The main topic was the networking with theoretical and performative elements. In addition to open artistic processes, conceptual experimental arrangements and a physical presence, there is the big need and wish to talk about how we can exchange and cooperate as network partners throughout Europe.
Photos by Jörn Vanselow
Supported by the Ministerium für Familie, Kinder, Jugend, Kultur und Sport NRW (MFKJKS), IKF and KITEV .