Interval °5
Invited artists: Antoni Karwowski, Arti Grabowski, Artur Tajber, Béatrice Didier and Ivana Filip. Temporary exhibition space ERDgeschoss.
international, performance art, Essen, Germany, PAErsche
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INTERVAL º5 | ESSEN, GERMANY | 15 November 2014

Invited artists: Antoni Karwowski, Arti Grabowski, Artur Tajber, Béatrice Didier and Ivana Filip.
Temporary exhibition space ERDgeschoss.

See full documentation on PAErsche website.


Interval is founded and organised by Marita Bullmann on behalf of PAErsche – action laboratory.

Folder_Interval_5_frontInterval is a 2-day festival platform for international performance artists in Essen, Germany.
Guest artists get the chance to work with PAErsche performers outdoor near the city of Essen and present solo performances in indoor exhibition space.

“With the performance festival Interval °5 on 15th November 2014 in Essen the action laboratory PAErsche showed solo performances by artists from Poland, Croatia and Belgium.
In the temporary exhibition space ERDgeschoss visitors were offered an insight into the various trends of performance art from Europe.”

Photos by Thomas Reul

Supported by Kulturbüro Essen, Polish Institute and Wein Zeche Essen.

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