Interval °7
Selected artworks and projects by Marita Bullmann
performance art, photography, installation, Marita Bullmann, Interval, PAErsche, Essen, Germany
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INTERVAL º7 | ESSEN, GERMANY | 09 - 10 October 2015

Invited artists: Chen Jin, Zhou Bin, He Chengyao, Wang Chuyu, Xiang Xishi, Li Xiaomu, Qiao Shengxu, Feng Weidong.
Temporary exhibition space ERDgeschoss.

See full documentation on PAErsche website.


Participated artists: Zhou Bin, He Chengyao, Wang Chuyu, Xiang Xishi, Li Xiaomu, Qiao Shengxu, Feng Weidong, Rolf Hinterecker, Delphine Richer, Marita Bullmann, Waltraud Caspari-Philips, Carola Willbrand, Mark Met, “Druckballet Bochum-Köln”.
Tetraeder Bottrop.

See full documentation on PAErsche website.


Interval is founded and organised by Marita Bullmann on behalf of PAErsche – action laboratory.

Folder_Interval7_front1Interval is a 2-day festival platform for international performance artists in Essen, Germany.
Guest artists get the chance to work with PAErsche performers outdoor near the city of Essen and present solo performances in indoor exhibition space.

“With the performance festival Interval °7 on the 09th & 10th October 2015 in Essen Germany the action laboratory PAErsche entered a creative exchange with performance artists from China for two days. This edition was part of “Art of Encountering VI” – a project initiated by Boris Nieslony.

PAErsche and the invited artists started the event with the performative exploration of the Tetraeder in Bottrop.

On the second day the invited guests showed their solo performances in temporary exhibition space ERDgeschoss. The visitors were offered an insight into the various trends of performance art from China.”

Photos by Thomas Reul

Supported by Kulturbüro Essen, ifa-Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen e.V., NRW Kultursekretariat Wuppertal and Wein Zeche, Essen.

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