untitled (Perm)
Installation by Marita Bullmann at European Accents in Perm, Russia. Sep 4, 2010
performance art, Marita Bullmann, PAErsche, balloon, water, nylon cord, window, lamp, perm, Russia, Semiramis Ceylan, Pio Rahner
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untitled (Perm)

European Accents in Perm, Russia

80 balloons filled with water
70 m of nylon cord
1 window
1 neon lamp

80 neon coloured balloons are hanging from the ceiling in a blue room. They are half-filled with water.
Room is mirrored by the rectangular-shaped hangings for balloons and also by the window lying in the middle of the installation.
The whole installation is lightened by a neon lamp fixed in the middle of the ceiling. The traces left after my performance remain as a part of the exhibition.

See also the Untitled (Perm) performance.

Photos by Semiramis Ceylan and Pio Rahner


September 4, 2010

