Interval °11
Selected artworks and projects by Marita Bullmann
performance art, photography, installation, Marita Bullmann, Interval, PAErsche, Essen, Germany
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INTERVAL º11 | Kopstadtplatz, ESSEN, GERMANY | 17.September 2021

Soloperformance by Nathan Walker

INTERVAL º11 | Grüne Mitte, ESSEN, GERMANY | 23.October 2021

Soloperformance by Felix Roadkill


Since 2013, INTERVAL has connected the Ruhr region with the international performance art scene. Marita Bullmann founded this platform with PAErsche Aktionslabor and has since invited over 100 national and international artists.
In addition to the presentation of performances, INTERVAL focuses on cooperation with local networks and encounters in public space. Through
its regular events, INTERVAL succeeds in sustainably shaping performance art in the Ruhr region and connecting it to international events.

For this edition of INTERVAL °11 in 2021, Nathan Walker and Felix Roadkill explored the public space in Essen with all its multifaceted diversity and to develop and present sitespecifc performative work.

Photos by Thomas Reul & Marita Bullmann

Supported by Kulturamt Essen