Open field _ Campo obiertO/ XXXVI | 21. – 26.11.2017 | Buenos Aires, Argentinia
Selected artworks and projects by Marita Bullmann
performance art, photography, installation, Marita Bullmann, Interval, PAErsche, Essen, Germany
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Open field _ Campo obiertO/ XXXVI | 21. – 26.11.2017 | Buenos Aires, Argentinia

PAErsche en Buenos Aires, Argentinia

Boris Nieslony * Karin Meiner * Evamaria Schaller * Marita Bullmann * Thomas Reul * Anja Ibsch

Curaduría: Graciela Ovejero Postigo

Tuesday the 21st of November at 7:00 p.m. 
Talk about performance art In Peras de olmo – Ars Continua /Niceto Vega 4678.
21st, 22nd and 23rd of November from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m.
Workshop by and with PAErsche. 
The workshops are aimed at artists and art students who are interested in performance art as a practice.

Friday the 24th of November at 8:00 p.m. 
Open field / campo abiertO – Laboratorio de acciones
Performances by Marita Bullmann, Anja Ibsch, Karin Meiner, Boris Nieslony, Thomas Reul and Evamaria Schaller.

Sunday the 26th of November from 17:00 to 19:00, 
Co.De. 2017
1er encuentro de performance en formato constelar
Launching of the first international Performance-Meeting with artists of PAErsche in a joint presentation together with Argentine and Latin American artists, in the form of simultaneous actions and open source performances.

participating artists: Daniel Acosta, Marita Bullmann, Andrea Cárdenas, Aidana María Rico Chávez, Anderson Feliciano, Claudia Ruiz Herrera, Anja Ibsch, Liliana Medela, Karin Meiner, Gabriel Montero, Mahoalli Nassourou, Boris Nieslony, Graciela Ovejero Postigo, Nelda Ramos, Thomas Reul, Gabriel Sasiambarrena, Evamaria Schaller.

many thanks for organizing to Graciela Ovejero Postigo

This is the first time these artists have visited and presented their work in Buenos Aires and Argentina in general. This Seminar is aimed at artists, art students interested in performance-art as a practice.  The seminar will be coordinated alternately by each  of the visiting artists, and is fundamentally immersive, theoretical body. Each coordinated artist will present reflective, testimonial and propositional material, creatively according to his practice and individual research.