Interval °10 | Performance Art | June & July 2019 | Essen and Oberhausen, Germany
Selected artworks and projects by Marita Bullmann
performance art, photography, installation, Marita Bullmann, Interval, PAErsche, Essen, Germany
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Interval °10 | Performance Art | June & July 2019 | Essen and Oberhausen, Germany

Feel warmly invited and be with us:
Performance Art in Essen and Oberhausen in Germany

Since 2013 INTERVAL offers a platform for international performance artists to meet and exchange ideas, strategies and concepts.
For this edition a total of ten local and international artists will be invited to INTERVAL°10 to explore the public space in the Ruhr area with all its multifaceted diversity and to develop and present sitespecifc performative works and be part in the PAErsche Open Source Performance.
So, come and see Performance Art which will expand the the public places with multi-layered, processual, political and poetic images


June: Viehoferstrasse, Essen
27th of June
2019 // 6pm PAErsche Open Source Group-performance
29th of June 2019 // 4pm with Soloperformances
Va-Bene E.K Fiatsi (GHA)
Christiane Obermayr (DE)
Myriam Laplante (CAN/IT)
Rolf Schulz (DE)
Selina Bonelli (UK)

July: Unterhaus, Oberhausen
26th of July 2019 // 6pm PAErsche Open Source Group-performance
27th of July 2019 // 4pm with Soloperformances
Boris Nieslony (DE)
Anja Ibsch (DE)
Preach R Sun (USA)
Leena Kela (FI)
Constantin Leonhard (DE)

free entrance
info: & facebook
contact on the way: +49 176 23512133

With friendly assistance of the Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalens, , Kulturbüro Essen, Kulturbüro Stadt Oberhausen, kitev, Zentrum Alibi.