follow us: off 2 – PAErsche @ Kunsthaus Essen | Germany
Selected artworks and projects by Marita Bullmann
performance art, photography, installation, Marita Bullmann, Interval, PAErsche, Essen, Germany
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follow us: off 2 – PAErsche @ Kunsthaus Essen | Germany

dear friends, collegues and performance art lovers,

feel warmly invited to off 2 // PAErsche @ Kunsthause Essen
PAErsche shows a performative installation during the whole exhibition time starting at sunday 13th Nov till 11th december.

13th nov, 4 pm opening with a performance by Marita Bullmann.
4th dec, 4pm sound-performance by Pierre Berthet and artists talk with all exhibitor….

PAErsche will be reprsented by the folloing artists:
Carola Willbrand, Bea Didier, Marita Bullmann , Benjamin Gages, Thomas Reul, Rolf Hinterecker, Mark Met, Anne-Louise Hoffmann, Karin Meiner, Christiane Obermayr, Alice de Visscher and Pierre Berthet.

So please come along and be with us during this time…

or follow us here:
