ECHOES I Residencies revisited | Dortmund
Marita Bullmann, Echos, Künstlerhaus Dortmund, Germany
performance art, photography, installation, Marita Bullmann, Interval, PAErsche, Essen, Germany
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ECHOES I Residencies revisited | Dortmund

28 November 2015 – 17 January 2016
Künstlerhaus Dortmund, Sunderweg 1, 44147 Dortmund, Germany

Opening on Friday, 27 November 2015 at 20:00 h
with a performance by Marita Bullmann


What are the influences and effects of artist residencies on the work of artists? Is it a direct impact that results in a new artistic work produced in a different city? Or does the impact show with a delay, as an echo that only resonates after some time? Is it the networking with people that opens up new practices? Have conversations and suggestions, landscapes, materials and places encouraged experiments? Or deepened an existing strategy?
The wide range of answers to these questions reveals the work processes of guest artists and the impact of residencies and travelling which could in turn give rise to further echoes (as for instance the adaption of the show in Linz in 2016)
The show focuses on the artists who particpated in the exchange between Künstlerhaus Dortmund and Salzamt Linz that has been running for 7 years now.

Participating artists:

Elisa Andessner
Patrick Borchers
Marita Bullmann
Hubert Ebenberger
Etta Gerdes
Philippe Gerlach
Kristyna Krabatschová
Thomas Kluckner
Kristina Kornmüller
Kurt Lackner
Haruko Maeda
Martin Music
Nina Nowak
Dirk Pleyer
Rona Rangsch
Jens Sundheim
UNIT (Penny Whitehead and Daniel Simpkins)
Adriane Wachholz
Denise Winter