DURATION & DIALOGUE II | 27. – 29.01.2017 | Toronto, Canada
Marita Bullmann,Duration and Dialogue II Toronto, Canada
performance art, photography, installation, Marita Bullmann, Interval, PAErsche, Essen, Germany
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DURATION & DIALOGUE II | 27. – 29.01.2017 | Toronto, Canada

Session 1: FRIDAY, JANUARY 27 from 5pm to 8pm
Live Performance: JON SASAKI – We Have All The Time In The World
Streamed Performance: JEREMY BAILEY (Canada) – Jeremy Bailey Next, Dimensions Variable, 2016

Dialogue 1: FRIDAY, JANUARY 27 from 8pm to 9pm
Panel: A panel discussion featuring curators, moderators, and artists in D&D II.

Session 2: SATURDAY, JANUARY 28 from 11am to 5pm
Live Performance: lo bil – GROUND/LINE
Streamed Performance A: ANNA BERNDTSON (Sweden) – Live Collage (11am to 2pm)
Streamed Performance B: MARITA BULLMANN (Germany) – untitled (D&D II) (2pm to 5pm)

Dialogue 2: SATURDAY, JANUARY 28 from 5pm to 6pm
Moderator: FRANCESCO GAGLIARDI (Performance Artist)

Session 3: SATURDAY, JANUARY 28 from 6pm to 8pm
Live Performance: CLAYTON LEE – Informal Beginnings
Streamed Performance: PATRICK S. FORD (Hong Kong) – No Holiday

Dialogue 3: SATURDAY, JANUARY 28 from 8pm to 9pm
Moderator: YAN ZHOU (Independent Curator)

Session 4: SUNDAY, JANUARY 29 from 1pm to 4pm
Live Performance: JULIE LASSONDE – In Memory of my Grandmother
Streamed Performance: NADÈGE GREBMEIER FORGET (Canada) – Wall-flow-er: Something, such as a tapestry, that is hung & You.

Dialogue 4: SUNDAY, JANUARY 29 from 4pm to 5pm
Moderator: CHLOË LUM (Artist and Independent Curator)

Session 5: SUNDAY, JANUARY 29 from 5pm to 7pm
Live Performance: JENN GOODWIN – To do, to don’t
Streamed Performance: TBA

Dialogue 5: SUNDAY, JANUARY 29 from 7pm to 8pm
Moderator: TANYA MARS (Artist and Associate Professor UTSC)

There will be food and refreshments onsite. Admission is $10 per day, or $15 for a festival pass. Duration & Dialogue II is generously supported by the Ontario Arts Council.

