blurborders performance Art exchange | 28.07. – 05.08.2018 | PhuPhan Mountain & Bangkok | Thailand
Marita Bullmann blurborders performance Art exchange | 28.07. - 05.08.2018 | PhuPhan Mountain & Bangkok | Thailand
Marita Bullmann blurborders performance Art exchange | 28.07. - 05.08.2018 | PhuPhan Mountain & Bangkok | Thailand
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blurborders performance Art exchange | 28.07. – 05.08.2018 | PhuPhan Mountain & Bangkok | Thailand

Appearance in the other space
Space Confrontation Trace Performance
What appears to prove the doubts – the borders – clear and blurry in our hearts

blurborders performance Art exchange proudly presents 12 artists from Maxico,Chile,Poland,Germany,China and Thailand born in the 80s and 90s.The project brings them to the former red area on the Phu Phan mountain range. Facing with space, Trace the history of the people through the present era. From their perspective. The different background from socialist, communist and democracy. How the artists look through themselves today?

Please come to see us at Bangkok Art and Culture Centre, 6th floor Friends of Bacc room
From 16.00 – 20.00 every day.
Special lectures on 5 August 2018 16.00 – 17.00 by Waldemar Tatarczuk The director of Galeria Labirynt,Poland. Topic: What’s the city gallery run for?

Blurborders performance Art exchange establish by Mongkol Plienbangchang and Nopawan Sirivejkul
Under the concept of exchange between Thai and foreign artists. To promote learning and develop in the way of performance art.

Artists: Chile:Anibal Sandoval / Mexico:Diana Soria Herna’ndez/ Germany: Marita Bullmann,Thomas Reul Poland: Agata Rucin’ska,Barbara Gryka/ China: Wang Yanxin
Thai: Wilawan Wiangthong,Natthaphon Chaiworawat,Chompunut Phuttha,Sareena Sattapon.
Lecturer : Waldemar Tatarczuk; the director of Galeria Labirynt,Lublin Poland.


Funded by the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia in the framework of Individual Support for Artists (IFK), a project of ecce GmbH.