Installation with performance as part of the exhibition “I can’t be sure of anything”, AT AL 609, Campinas, Brasil
mixed media, objects and performance
The ground I’m standing on – In this idiom, the ground on which one stands is a symbol for the secure basis that is important for the maintenance of a condition or the preservation of existence. It can be material existence, but it can also be questions of conviction, faith or health.
But how does this ground feel? The soil here and the soil there? The ground on which I stood in the past, today and soon?
I position myself and feel similarities and yet everything seems so different.
Who entered it before me? And when and with what intentions?
Marita Bullmann explores these questions in her installation and performance at the ATAL 609 Gallery in Campinas, Brazil. She uses materials and photographs/video from both continents, which she combines in a questioning, researching and unifying way.
Supported by the Ministry for Culture and Science of the German State of North Rhine-Westphalia
December 6, 2019
installations, mixed media, moving image, object