Precise: fine setting | 27. & 28.05.2017 | Burgbrohl, Ahrweiler, Germany
ArtPerformance / intervention in public space
26.05 – 31.05. 2017
at ArtLab in the Kunstpavillon Burgbrohl
Saturday, May 27, 2017/6 pm // ArtLab in the Kunstpavillon Burgbrohl
Presentation of the artists, solo and group performances
Sunday, 28 May 2017/2-5pm // Market place in Ahrweiler
Interventions in public space
Monday 29 May 2017 // Meeting point: 2 pm in the Kunstpavillon Burgbrohl
Performative exploration in the in the Brohltal
ARTISTS: Sanmu Chan | To Yeuk | Nanxi Liu | Delphine Richer | Boris Nieslony | Christiane Obermayr | Karin Meiner | Marita Bullmann | Petra Deus | Rolf Hinterecker | Thomas Reul | Ute-Marie Paul
Within the framework of a “collaborative residency festival”, Chinese and European performance artists from PAErsche’s performance art network will be guests in the ArtLab of the Kunstpavillon Burgbrohl from 26 May to 31 May 2017.
The ArtLab in the Kunstpavillon prepares PAErsche associated artists a platform where international artists’ groups and their networks can meet the PAErsche action laboratory and the interested public