Performance Crossings 2019 | 15.-18.2019 | Prague, Czech Republic
Performance Crossings 2019 is an international festival focusing on performance art and related art forms which for the third year presents artists from all around the world and opens the dialogue between artists and audience, between thoughts and their articulation.
Our goal is to raise awareness about different approaches to performance art on both local and international level as well as to bring into discussion an important notion of the self-reflexion of us as humans and us as artists or audience members.
This year 36 artists from 20 world countries will cross their way with audience sharing different approaches to performance art, various thoughts, ideas, cultural backgrounds.
Adriana Dismanova [CAN/GBR]
Al Yakubovska [BLR/CZE] + Alois Yang [TWN/CZE]
Aleš Hnízdil [CZE]
Alexandra Holownia [POL/DEU]
Amélie Petiot [FRA]
Antoine Marchand [FRA]
BBB Johannes Deimling [DEU]
Claude Boudeau [FRA]
Darina Alster + Kateřina Olivová [CZE]
David Helán [CZE]
Eva Jašková [CZE]
Grace Euna Kim [USA/DEU]
Hannes Egger [ITA]
Henrik Koppen [NOR]
ieke trinks [NLD]
Ilze Mazpane [LVA]
Jared Marks [USA/DEU]
Jasmin Schaitl [AUT/POL]
Jenny Abouav [FRA]
Joey Chin [SGP]
Kaisa Luukkonen [FIN/SWE]
Karolína Voleská [CZE]
Lumi Kristin Vihterpal [EST]
Maria Bitka [POL]
Marita Bullmann [DEU]
Matěj Frank [CZE/POL]
Miloš Šejn [CZE]
Montse Aránega [ESP]
Noel Molloy [IRL]
Paul Regan [IRL]
Sandra Svobodová [CZE]
Stan Briche [FRA]
Štěpán Popelka [CZE]
Trap-a-loop Art Base [RUS]
Václav Cibulka [CZE]
Yara Mekawei [EGY]
Eleonora Roaro [ITA]
Davide de Lillis [ITA/DEU]
Khalil Rodor [BRA]
Felipe Rocha Bittencourt [BRA]
Helush Yiraq [CZE]
15th – 18th May 2019
Cross Attic / Holesovicka Sachta / public space