PAO Performance Art Festival | 29.11.-1.12.2019 | ROM, Oslo, Norway
Selected artworks and projects by Marita Bullmann
performance art, photography, installation, Marita Bullmann, Interval, PAErsche, Essen, Germany
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PAO Performance Art Festival | 29.11.-1.12.2019 | ROM, Oslo, Norway

PAO Festival 2019 
No silence / No Sound – How to hear a performance

ROM for kunst og arkitektur / Maridalsveien 3, 0178, Oslo

By donation! Give as much as you want and can!!
Vipps or cash! Free soup, tea and coffee!!

Friday 29 November
18:00 – ca. 19:30
Artists’ talks and discussion: Marita Bullmann (DE), Laurel Jay Carpenter (USA/UK), Katarina Skår Lisa (NO), Johanna Zwaig (NO) and Linda & Aura (FI).

19:30 – ca. 20:30
PAS final presentation by: Yendini Yoo Cappelen, Q, Nina Claire, Oleksiy Zaitsev, Marie Kaada Hovden, Montserrat Llampallas, Bobby Yu Shuk Pui, Amanda Borg, Anneleen Steenbergen, Sigmund Skard, Antoine Parra del Pozo,  Malvina Lorida, Emilie Celius and Anna Caroline Kristensen.

Sound, instrument and voice is often a tool in a performance and we are interested in focusing our attention on what sound, or silence, that is created in a performance. How do artists work with voice, recordings, instruments and objects? How is silence used? And how are these opposites combined? How do we hear a performance?
By focusing on sound we are also focusing on the silence and the collective and active concentrated deep listening that is often created in a performance. How do we listen to each other? What is sound? How do we perceive silence?
In today’s society we are overstimulated by voices and opinions, and have the possibility to voice our own opinions on various platforms such as social media. At the same time there are many places where artistic voice and expression is still in a precarious situation, which is often linked to general political tensions. How loud do we have to shout to be heard? When does silence become louder?
We have invited artists that challenge and explore these aspects in various ways in their work.

Artist talks: Artists are invited to hold short performative presentations of their work and approach to performance. After the talks we open for dialogue with questions and answers between the artists and the public.
Exhibition / Video program: We will show photography by festival photographer Bjarte Bjørkum (NO) and 3 video programs from artists: Lee Wen (SG),
Nyugen E. Smith (USA/TH/TT) and Susana Pilar Delahante Matienzo (CU).
Extra program: 25. November til 1. December: Performance Art Studies PAS#68 “CREAKING WOODEN FISH” with BBB Johannes Deimling at
KHiO – Oslo Art Academy.
* 29 November: Opening, artist talks and performance with participants of PAS#68.

PAO Festival 2019 is supported by Fritt Ord, Kulturrådet / Arts Council Norway, Oslo Municipality / Kulturetaten, Bildende Kunstnernes Hjelpefond, the Spanish Embassy in Oslo and Nordisk kulturkontakt / Mobility Programme.
Collaborating partners: ROM for kunst og arkitektur, Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo & PAS- Performance Art Studies.