MIPAF 2018 | 09.09.2018 | Macau
Marita Bullmann, MIPAF 2018, Macau
Marita Bullmann, MIPAF 2018, Macau
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MIPAF 2018 | 09.09.2018 | Macau

As one of the major annual events conducted by the Ox Warehouse, Macau non-government Art Organization, MIPAF invites to Macau artists that are actively involved in the international art scene, in hopes to foster the exchange of creative approaches, with a manifestation of distinctive artistic personalities; as one would recognize, when the artist’s body becomes the medium, by turning observations of his own habitat into experimental interpretations and critiques, will bring forth a specified expression that reflects our state of ideologies and contexts.

We are pleased to announce the Ox Warehouse will be hosting MIPAF this year, on 9th September in Rua do Volong No.15 from 3-6 pm, where 11 artists with diverse regional backgrounds would present with us their latest works, to stimulate our wildest fantasies, with their deepest concerns on humanity.

Curator: Noah

藝術家名單 Artist List:
Daniel Aschwanden 瑞士 Switzerland
Dorothea Seror 德國 Germany
古英元 Ku Ieng Un 中國澳門 Macao, China
荒井真一 ARAI Shin-ichi 日本Japan
胡懿菲 Hu Yi Fei 中國北京 Beijing, China
Ilka Theurich 德國 Germany
Marita Bullmann 德國 Germany
Rolf Hinterecker 德國 Germany
孫懿柔SunYi Jou 中國臺灣Taiwan, China

日期: 2018年9月9日(日)
時間:3:00 p.m.

Date: 9th September 2018 (Sunday)
Time: 3:00 p.m.
Venue: Ground Floor Gallery, Second Floor Gallery and Open Spaces of Ox Warehouse, Rua do Volong No.15

免費入場 Free Admission

主辦 Organisation:牛房倉庫 Ox Warehouse
贊助 Sponsors:
澳門特區政府民政總署 IACM
澳門基金會 Macao Foundation
澳門特別行政區政府文化局 ICM
學術支持 Academic Supports:
Beate Linne (德國 Germany) 、陳進 Chen Jin (中國China)
地址Address:Rua do Volong No.15
開放時間Opening Hours:12:00 ~19:00 (Closed on Monday)
查詢 For enquiry : 28530026
電郵 E-mail:oxwarehouse@gmail.com
網址website: http://www.oxwarehouse.blogspot.com/

Funded by the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia in the framework of Individual Support for Artists (IFK), a project of ecce GmbH.