Marking Time : 10yrs of Bbeyond Performance Monthly | 23.06.2018, 12-18h | Belfast | Northern Ireland
Selected artworks and projects by Marita Bullmann
performance art, photography, installation, Marita Bullmann, Interval, PAErsche, Essen, Germany
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Marking Time : 10yrs of Bbeyond Performance Monthly | 23.06.2018, 12-18h | Belfast | Northern Ireland

Bbeyond are proud to announce the 10th Anniversary of Performance Monthly meetings. This celebratory event will take place on Sat 23 June, 12noon, location Albert Clock, Belfast. For this special performance meeting we are delighted to announce that we will be joined with artists from PAErsche (Essen, Köln) and PAB (Bergen).
Also, because this in and around the June Solstice, the performance will be 6 hrs duration. Please note there is no compulsion to stay for the whole 6hrs, people are free to come and go. Your presence will be greatly appreciated so please feel free to joins us to make and mark this a special occasion.

Date/time: Sat 23 June, 12noon

Location: Albert Clock, Belfast