HOME #5 | 10.6. – 10.7.2022 | Essen, Germany
Selected artworks and projects by Marita Bullmann
performance art, photography, installation, Marita Bullmann, Interval, PAErsche, Essen, Germany
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HOME #5 | 10.6. – 10.7.2022 | Essen, Germany

Participating artists:
Marita Bullmann, Sara Hasenbrink, Lysania, Thomas Reul, Monita Wagma
and archive material from
Monika Günther in collaboration with Performance Archiv „black kit“

Opening with Performances:
10.06.2022 // 19h

Kunsthaus Essen
Rübezahlstrasse 33
45134 Essen

Sara Hasenbrink shows her “König Laurin und sein Rosengarten”
When:: 11. 17. 18. 19. June from 7-8pm
www.hasenbrink.org/spiel und www.vimeo.com/691836649
TICKETS  5 – 12 € at the venue

More infos and directions HERE

Home! 5 will be shown together with
Home! 4 – Interaction / Sichtachsen & Call the curator
 > Christoph Breitmar and more artists of the Ruhr Region