Gartenperformance with Anja & Marita | 03.03.2017 | Berlin, Germany
Selected artworks and projects by Marita Bullmann
performance art, photography, installation, Marita Bullmann, Interval, PAErsche, Essen, Germany
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Gartenperformance with Anja & Marita | 03.03.2017 | Berlin, Germany

Feel welcome and come to the Gartenperformance with Anja Ibsch and Marita Bullmann.
3.3.2017 // 4pm
Location: Please ask, as there are not so many places

Marita Bullmann (*1982) uses everyday materials in her performances. She decontextualises them from their original use and provide them with new different characteristics. It’s an exploration of how the material reacts on the bodies’ movement and vice versa. What happens between her and the material is that it becomes a comparison between shapes, structures and movements of what it is capable of. With a deep interest in the aesthetics and transformational potential of materials and objects she accesses to all senses in order to create a holistic view.
Her aim is to explore and display borders and physical peculiarities but hanging onto the access to the banalities of everyday life and all its changes. She is searching for images and actions which manifests the beauty of now and its simplicity and creates an ephemeral moment which combines/approaches/ moves several personal layers.

In her work, Anja Ibsch (* 1968) characteristically tests her bodily limits, creating images that combine conceptual concerns with tasks of endurance or physical strength. For the audience, these images work to transform the way we view or understand the performer’s physical identity. At the same time, the works engage the performer in a changing perception of her relationship to the world around her. Ibsch creates her work in response to the circumstances that present themselves, adapting to local environments and situations.
