Fenster Performance #1 | 5.12.2021 | Essen, Germany
Selected artworks and projects by Marita Bullmann
performance art, photography, installation, Marita Bullmann, Interval, PAErsche, Essen, Germany
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Fenster Performance #1 | 5.12.2021 | Essen, Germany

Warm invitation to the window performance series..

Where:Gertrudisstr. 25 / 45141 Essen / Eltingviertel
When: sun 5.12.21// 2 pm (it starts on time)

Dress warmly and bring an umbrella if necessary. The visitors will stand outside.

Afterwards there will be punch, mulled wine and DiesDas.

I am looking forward to seeing you!
Kind regards


PS: And yes, Corona.
Please keep to all regulations and protective orders….

You know the groove!

Supported by Kulturamt Essen through the Corona Special Fund 2021

Image by Ronald Stöcker