DAYS OF PERFORMANCE ART IN LVIV | 6. – 10.9.2016 | Lviv, Ukraine
Selected artworks and projects by Marita Bullmann
performance art, photography, installation, Marita Bullmann, Interval, PAErsche, Essen, Germany
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DAYS OF PERFORMANCE ART IN LVIV | 6. – 10.9.2016 | Lviv, Ukraine

DAYS OF PERFORMANCE ART IN LVIV will take place this year within a framework of Biennale WEEK OF ACTUAL ART.

During DAYS experienced and also young artists from Ukraine, Israel, Czech Republic, Great Britain, Poland, Belorussia and Germany will show performance.

Among them: Ani ZUR, Yaryna SHUMSKA, Yaroslav FUTYMSKYI, Anton SAIENKO, Volodymyr TOPIY, Denys Blacker, Motti MIZRAСHI, Marita BULLMANN, Ernesto LEVY, Tamar RABAN, Jiri SURUVKA, Janusz BALDYGA, Patryk Różycki, Kamila CZOSNYK, Waldemar TATARCZUK, Kostiantyn MUZHEV.

Inalienable part of DAYS OF PERFORMANCE ART IN LVIV is SCHOOL OF PERFORMANCE ART, which gather this year all those who wishes to learn basic concepts of performance art and to present own performance knowledges. Learning process in SCHOOL consists of three programmes: one will be provided according to the programme of experienced artist Denys BLACKER from Great Britain and another of polish artist Waldemar TATARCZUK and also facultative course of authoritative polish performer Janusz BALDYGA.

Studying at SCHOOL is free of charge, as far as the main goal is to form new generation of Ukrainian performers. Trainings will take place during three days from 6th until 9th of September.

SCHOOL OF PERFORMANCE ART will take place in Guest house by cultural and spiritual centre Arkhystratyh (20a Vynnychenka Str).

Performance showing will take place every day from the 6th of September after 6 p.m. in the Palace of Art (17 Kopernika Str). Own performance ideas will be presented by students of the SCHOOL on the last day of festival, on the 10th of September, from 13:00

In DAYS programme will be lectures and project presentations of Janusz BALDYGA,  Katarzyna KOZYRA, Marita BULLMANN, Jiri SURUVKA.


Days of Performance Art in Lviv  is the first festival in Ukraine, where is presented performance art in a great variety of generations and directions and also exists SCHOOL OF PERFORMANCE ART . For Ukrainian young artists it is only one chance to learn performance art from authoritative masters free of charge. Every year SCHOOL join above 50 students from different ukrainian and polish cities.

Artists from Ukraine, Poland, Israel, Austria, Switzerland, Ireland, Great Britian, Canada, Russia, Lithuania, Belorussia have taken part, shown their performance, delivered lections and given work-shops on DAYS OF PERFORMANCE ART IN LVIV.

Festival was founded in 2006 from Polish Institute in Kiev and in 2008 it moved to Lviv, where is organized by Lviv Institute of Contemporary art and Dzyga Art Association.

Event organizers: Lviv Institute of Contemporary Art, Dzyga Art Association

Partners: Artistic Council DIALOGUE, Nurt Art Association, The Lviv Palace of Arts, Embassy of Israel to Ukraine, Goethe Institute in Kiev, Czech Centre in KievС, Galeria Labirynt, Fundacja Sztuki Performance, Instytut Książki, NGO Virmenska 35, Fundation «TransKultura», Lviv City Council.

Contact: (095) 260 03 27


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