Connection > Europa II | 14. – 20.11.2017 | Santiago & Valparaiso, Chile
Selected artworks and projects by Marita Bullmann
performance art, photography, installation, Marita Bullmann, Interval, PAErsche, Essen, Germany
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Connection > Europa II | 14. – 20.11.2017 | Santiago & Valparaiso, Chile

PAErsche in Chile
organized by Alexander Del Re

An exchange project between the organisations PAErsche and PerfoLink, which presents live performances of artists from both networks as well as lectures and other activities to promote the discipline.

Friday 17.11.
17:15 Marcelo Díaz, sin título
18:00 Mauricio Vargas, Del pesimismo del criterio de Acción .’
19:00 Karin Meiner, ‘PROPOSITION’
20:00 Thomas Reul, ‘untitled’
20:30 L3V1T4 L3V1T4, ‘BL4CK.B0X (1NT1M4CY / 1NT1M1D4D)’

Saturday 18.11.
17:00 Katiushka Loyola, ‘Sin título’
18:00 Boris Nieslony, ‘Don’t know yet’
19:00 Marita Bullmann, ‘untitled’
19:45 Ki Niet A IK’tein, ‘BKP’
20:00 Verónica Cruz, ‘Ojos que no ven ……’
20:30 Anja Ibsch, ‘still_3’