another small matter | 25.03.2017 | Chicago, USA
Marita Bullmann | Hope Esser / another small matter, chicago USA
Marita Bullmann | Hope Esser / another small matter, chicago USA
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another small matter | 25.03.2017 | Chicago, USA

Defibrillator is proud to present
another small matter
SAT 25 MARCH at 7PM | $10 suggested

Marita Bullmann | Hope Esser

Marita Bullmann is a performance, installation and photography artist living and working in Essen, Germany. Marita studied photography at the Folkwang University of the Arts in Essen, Germany and in the same period went to Israel to study at the Bezalel Academy of Art and Design in Jerusalem, where she followed classes in Performance Art with Adina Bar-On. 2011 she graduated with distinctions from the Folkwang University of the Arts in Essen, Germany.

The Installation “another small matter” by Marita Bullmann finds itself between a systematic set up in the chaos and exploration of the intuitive relationships, dynamics and effects of the phenomena of everyday life. The materials, the functions and the associations of the objects jointly generate strange duplication, differences and shifts. The result is a dialogue between subject and object, which alternates between the possible forms of real and artificial, literally and symbolically, original and imitation.
Marita’s performance is made possible with support from the Ministerium für Familie, Kinder, Jugend, Kultur und Sport des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen

Hope Esser (b. 1984, New York, NY) is a Chicago-based multidisciplinary artist working in performance, garment, sculpture, and video. She earned her BA in Studio Art and Art History cum laude from Oberlin College (2007) and her MFA from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago (2012), where she was awarded the Toby Devan Lewis Fellowship and the James Nelson Raymond Fellowship.

She has been an artist-in-residence at Triangle Arts Association, ACRE, Hatch Projects, the Watermill Center, and Ox-Bow, where she was a recipient of the Joan Mitchell Scholarship. She has performed, screened, and exhibited at the Indianapolis Museum of Art (Indianapolis, IN), the Watermill Center (Long Island, NY), Gallery 400 (Chicago, IL), The Nightingale Cinema (Chicago, IL), Grace Exhibition Space (Brooklyn, NY), Links Hall (Chicago, IL), the Arts Club of Chicago (Chicago, IL), Defibrillator Gallery (Chicago, IL), and La Esquina Gallery (Kansas City, MO), among others.

Hope’s performance, “Instructions for Care,” is an examination of body language and posture as the impetus for a collection of sculptural garments activated through performance. Each garment has a pose relating to connection, allegiance, or power. The title refers both to how we posture different emotions but also to the care label inside of a garment.