Actus IV – Liège | Belgium
Selected artworks and projects by Marita Bullmann
performance art, photography, installation, Marita Bullmann, Interval, PAErsche, Essen, Germany
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Actus IV – Liège | Belgium

Groupperformance at Place de l’Opéra de Liège
Pierre Berthet (BE), Marita Bullmann (DE), Zhou Bin (CN), He Chengyao (CN), Yingmei Duan (CN), Anais Heraud (DE/FR/BE), Chen Jin (CN), Boris Nieslony (DE), Sylvie Pichrist (
BE), Barbara Roland (BE), Evamaria Schaller (AT/DE), Feng Weidong & Yang Zou (CN)

Video by Eglantine Chaumont


About Actus:

Actus is situated in the lineage of the approach of Ricochets, an association which constructs artistic projects on site. With those who seize the ball when it rebounds. With time transforming proposals and redefining stakes. With the places of collaboration, where the project takes place for a moment sometimes recurring. With the desire to maintain a tension between the poles of pedagogy, creation, research and the relationship to the spectator.

“We began to understand something of what in medieval philosophy is called “actus” and “potentia”, two latin terms for the Aristotelian expressions “enregeia” and “dynamis”- reality and potential” ( J.Beu)

Created in 2012 by Béatrice Didier, Maud Hagelstein and Mathieu Richelle in Belgium, Actus defines itself as a platform for experiments, exchanges and debates about Performance Art.