19th Open international Performance Art Festival | 10. – 17.09.2018 | Guangzhou, China
Marita Bullmann, 19th Open international Performance Art Festival | 10. – 17.09.2018 | Guangzhou, China
Marita Bullmann, 19th Open international Performance Art Festival | 10. – 17.09.2018 | Guangzhou, China
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19th Open international Performance Art Festival | 10. – 17.09.2018 | Guangzhou, China

Opening 14.9.2018 // 2pm

Participating Artists: Arai Shin.ichi, Beate Linne, Cai Suo, Chen Jin, Chen Zhou & Zhang Xiaojing, Daniel Aschwanden, Dorothea Seror, Du Liang, He Lixiao, Ilka Theurich, Delphine Richer, Liu Xianglin, Luo Peng, Marita Bullmann, Non Grata, Rolf Hinterecker, Shen Piji, Xu Chao, Yang Fang;

Organiser: Chen Jin;


Funded by the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia in the framework of Individual Support for Artists (IFK), a project of ecce GmbH.